Friday, March 25, 2011

Week of 3/21

On Monday, students watched a video that described how a virus infects its host, the discovery and use of vaccines, pandemics from the past (influenza, smallpox, and polio), and how researchers are finding new viruses everyday.

We reviewed for our Bacteria and Virus Test on Tuesday and took the assessment on Wednesday. On Thursday, students were introduced to the weird (and creepy) organisms that live in a drop of pond water (this is also one of my favorite labs of the year!). Students had to identify the different creatures that they found living in a local sample of pond water. We found lots of protists (protozoa and algae), and some students even found worms and arthropods. On Friday, we discussed the characteristics of the protist kingdom, and we will continue to do so after break.

I cannot believe that my last day at Lakeview has arrived so quickly! I cannot thank everybody enough for all of the well-wishes, cards, and emails. I will miss working with all of you more than I can say! I know that Ms. Hopkinson will do a wonderful job finishing the school year (and YES, you will still get to do DISSECTIONS)!

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