Friday, March 18, 2011

Week of 3/18

Students were able to experience "bacteria in action" as we watched a great video on Monday. On Tuesday, students were asked to design an experiment to determine where bacteria can be found in our school. Students had to construct a question to investigate, make a hypothesis, and then swab their selected samples into a Petri dish. Students took swabs of locations including teachers' desks, water fountains, computer keyboards, doorknobs, and much more! We let the dishes will incubate over for a couple of days and then checked our results on Thursday. Most students were surprised by their findings. Ask to see what they found!

We also spent time in class calculating and graphing bacteria growth rates over time. From these activities, students discovered that, in ideal conditions, bacteria reproduce quickly over a short period of time (exponential growth). Finally, we discussed viruses, and came to the conclusion that they are non-living particles.

Next week, we will watch a great video about viruses to finish our chapter. Our chapter test will be on Wednesday!

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