Friday, January 28, 2011

Week of 1/24

Students spent the majority of the week in the computer lab working on their genetic disorder projects. Class presentations began on Friday, and we will finish on Monday and Tuesday of next week. Our next chapter will explore how mutations lead to the evolution of organisms.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Week of 1/17

On Tuesday, we reviewed for our Chapter 6 Test. Students were assessed on their knowledge of DNA structure, history, function, and advances on Wednesday. On Thursday, I went over the "genetic disorder" project expectations, and students were given their topic and partner assignments based on the topic sheets that each turned in last week. Friday was the first day that students had to begin their project research. For this project, students can choose to create a slide show, brochure, or poster of their "final product." We will spend four more days next week working in the IMC for students to complete their project. Students will sign up for their presentation date (and due date) next week as well.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Week of 1/14

On Monday, we did a DNA extraction from green peas. Students were able to follow a "recipe" in order to isolate the DNA and view the slimy, stringy substance. This week, we also began our discussion of selective breeding, cloning, and genetic engineering. We watched a video entitled "Understanding the Power of Genes" that reviewed these advances in genetics and controversies of genetic engineering. We will be taking the test over chapter 6 (DNA) on Wednesday, and then we will begin working on the genetic disorder project in class. Students will receive their topic and partner assignments on Thursday!

Congratulation to all of our spelling bee winners! Good luck as you move on to the building spelling bee next week!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Week of 1/7

This week, we discussed the structure and history of DNA. We learned how DNA replicates and how DNA nucleotide bases pair up (like puzzle pieces). On Wednesday, students were required to build an edible model of DNA based on their knowledge of its structure. On Thursday, we discovered how strands of DNA are "decoded". We discussed how 3 DNA bases code for an amino acid and that a group of amino acids make up a protein (the chemical messenger that tells the cell what to do). On Friday, students began doing research to chose the topics for their genetic disorder projects.

Next week we will talk about genetic engineering and watch a great video on cloning, DNA forensics, and more!