Friday, March 5, 2010


We spent our shortened ISAT week reinforcing the principles of classification and reviewing the three domains and six kingdoms. I showed students a mnemonic device to help them remember the six kingdoms and some characteristics of each (using six of our fingers). For example, the ring finger represents the fungi kingdom. Because there is no ring on your finger, you must be a "fun guy." "Fun guys" hang out together (multicellular), usually sit on the couch playing video games (no movement), and definitely don't make their own food (consumers)! Hopefully this will help students better remember these kingdoms for our "quest" on Tuesday!

We also worked on a "Creepy Critter" classification lab. Students were required to study the characteristics of 20 aliens and put them into groups based on their similarities. Next week, we will take our classification chapter assessment (Tuesday) and move on to our next chapter: bacteria and viruses.

1 comment:

Ms. Abrams said...

I am teaching the 6 kingdoms now and did a google search to find a mnemonic device and found your blog. I'd love to know the rest of your finger strategy, Thanks!